From the Archives : Verdun (June 2007)
Initially written on a roadtrip to France in June 2007, revised in August 2016. Pictured above: unexploded stick grenade found in old trenchline at Verdun.
Here — where magpies pant and yawn
and newborn calves are clodden tropes licked into form
as worms writhe scalded
in simmering lymecrush of gravel roads —
the Argonne remains like a Titan primordial
and without legend
turned to earth in its sleep,
having let man thrash on chest, lip and tooth
then clutched him, ground his bonepulp,
never spat him back out.
To stand on the grass is like being
abovedeck on a channel ferry
rocking over what endless weaving and digesting below,
undulation of the forest’s slowdrawn breaths —
here it feels like the earth might rise
and hillocks as waves crest and barrel you down,
the branches and stonefists frozen midattack
until a hiker trips the trapwire —
a word said to themselves
under their breath
as incantation sudden sparks the doomfed thresh
that looms beneath bark and leaf — folded in air.
Like bogwheat bodies the windfall and foliage
discourses its cause,
lichenchar branch and moss too welcome take
the lives of those
who’ve passed through them, fallen
down this stripnet, thorn and soil
searching the laven fallow matter of each human fate
its few memories whose cells roots take
and all else exhaled — let go to soil and sky.
Here is nothing that abides knowing, no genera but like faces
of the killed the forest took to wearing,
gazing through their skinless looks like
curtainfall and seeming leaves (all masks being one in rot)
and kept only the eyes. Sprigpierced, they blossom
to flesh the Spring’s revision
slurred, swollen and pollensweet.
These vales and ridges of fleshfed verdure, sown over
with mossy reaving birches
rendered in shades of cypress, groves as hem the yesteryear sun —
no cairn for the battalions, the boys stamped out
and cooked alive in bunker hearths
with the happenings of years come after
slaved in the underbrush.
The trunks of the eldest trees split in shell burst
suffuse with mustard gas (that purest flowering
bud of our artifice, its petals that pick apart the lovelorn instead)
the heartwood decaying, the marrow rings
exposed to weathering time and the humane age declared
stillborn, a gruesomest curio for the cabinet, as the tags are reaped
in the scansion of battle
and other spoils as moles mutely
traduce to oilsledge of dirt.
Not a word staked but the grain to which a soldier
given to the battlefield rounds off
and breaths expelled
of so many yelling weeping no — no line could engirdle
the exploded ribcage, the violence men thought holy
of triggers pulled
with no period retaining the fatality’s
number finite as air — no where to begin the count.
Though how can I claim I saw anything
not imagined solely in the saying —
sloping hills terminating above
at valley’s rim, the far ridges whirring leaflush and yawning
with pale trunks, bursts of slurred green
strafing nightlike recesses
beneath so much canopy — roaming this speeding vantage
that blurs my sight running out of itself
leaving but grass the same as everywhere to rush its sawtooth
against the sky as I go on with my forehead
hampressed on the booming glass — passenger
window of a rented car.